A couple of years ago, as I sat and looked at a table full of half eaten cupcakes, empty drink cups, used napkins and scattered plates, I realized that this huge mess represented something. It represented merriment, it represented joy, it represented realness.
In the Pinterest obsessed world we currently live in, so much emphasis is put on perfection. And yes, perfection has its own brand of beauty. But to me, real life, in all its messy glory, is pretty beautiful as well. So on that day in April, a new tradition was born — after party photos.
As much as I love my perfectly placed “before” images, I treasure my “after” photos just as much…..Because nothing tells the story of a good party better then the mess that was left behind…..and real fun is my favorite.
We truly hope that after your next bash, you’ll pull out your camera, and give this favorite party tradition of ours a try. We promise you won’t regret it!
Photos courtesy of Stevie Pattyn for Shop Sweet Lulu