One of the things that I hope my girls remember from their childhood, is that we took the time to celebrate life. Not just the big stuff like birthdays & graduations, but that we relished the simple things that make life great; things like friendship, a change of season or having homemade ice cream in the freezer. Realizing that our last summer here was rapidly coming to a close, I knew our chance to make some long lasting summer memories was limited. I knew we needed to have one last party. As my giggling four year old whizzed by on her bike, I knew that a bicycle parade would be the perfect way to say, “goodbye” to summer. After all, pinwheels, vintage tricycles & tissue paper peonies make me burst with happiness {win!}
I had the best time using stuff from the shop (stripey straws, cupcake liners, tissue paper & fringe garland) to make the decorations for their bikes. And, even though I’m pretty sure the next person to own our home will still be finding sprinkles 10 years from now, an evening decorating chocolate coated ice cream cones with my little ladies was well worth the epic mess.
It was such a perfect day. Watching the kids peddle around the park with chocolate covered faces was pure joy for me. I am so happy we took one last sun-kissed afternoon to celebrate our final summer here with the friends that have helped make our life so sweet.
concept, styling, crafting & photography: stevie pattyn
party decoration supplies: stripey straws, cupcake liners, tissue paper & fringe garland: shop sweet lulu
photography: myah mcneill of glo photography